Kapal Pesiar

Contoh Email Request LOE Kapal Pesiar

Contoh kirim email ke scheduler kapal pesiar

Contoh request LOE ke scheduler – Bekerja di kapal pesiar adalah impian bagi banyak orang, terutama mereka yang mencari peluang untuk menjelajahi dunia sambil mengembangkan karier di industri perhotelan, pariwisata, dan pelayaran. Proses untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan di kapal pesiar bukanlah hal yang mudah, memerlukan persiapan matang, mulai dari kelengkapan dokumen hingga proses seleksi yang ketat. Bagi sebagian orang, proses ini bisa memakan waktu berbulan-bulan, bahkan hingga lebih dari setengah tahun. Namun, dengan tekad yang kuat dan semua persyaratan yang telah dipenuhi, menunggu adalah bagian dari perjalanan menuju impian tersebut.

Setelah menunggu lebih dari enam bulan dengan dokumen yang telah lengkap, kini saatnya untuk melangkah lebih jauh dan menegaskan kesiapan bekerja di kapal pesiar. Dalam situasi ini, penting untuk tetap proaktif dengan melakukan tindak lanjut yang sopan dan profesional terhadap aplikasi yang telah diajukan ke perusahaan atau ke agen kapal pesiar. Dengan komunikasi yang tepat, Anda dapat menunjukkan antusiasme serta komitmen Anda untuk bergabung dengan industri yang dinamis dan penuh tantangan ini.

Berikut ini beberapa contoh email profesional untuk keperluan request LOE ke scheduler kapal pesiar agar cepat ditanggapi atau direspon.

Contoh Email 1

Subject: Application Follow-Up – (Your Position)

Good Day,

I am writing to inquire about the status of my application for the [Position] role on [Cruise ship name]. I submitted all the required documents over six months ago, and I am eagerly awaiting any updates.

As all my documents are complete, I am ready to begin working as soon as possible. I would greatly appreciate any information regarding the next steps in the process.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.

[Your Full Name]
[Your ID] [Your Position]

Contoh Email 2

Subject: Request for Update on Cruise Ship Employment Application

Good Day,

I am writing to kindly request an update on my application for the [Position] position aboard [your cruise ship name]. I completed and submitted all necessary documentation over six months ago and have been waiting eagerly for any further communication.

As I have all the required documents ready, I am fully prepared to join the team and contribute to the company. Your guidance on the next steps would be greatly appreciated.

Baca Juga:  Panduan kontak CrewAssist Kapal Royal Caribbean

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Full Name]
[Your ID] [Your Position]

Contoh Email 3

Subject: Follow-Up on Cruise Ship Job Application

Good Day,

I am reaching out to follow up on my application for a position on your cruise ship, which I submitted over six months ago. All my documentation is complete, and I am prepared to begin work at your earliest convenience.

Could you please provide an update on the status of my application? I would appreciate any information you can share.

Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Full Name]
[Your ID] [Your Position]

Contoh Email 4

Subject: Status Update Request – [Cruise Ship Position]

Good Day,

I am writing to request a status update on my application for the [Position] role aboard [your cruise ship name]. I submitted all the required documents more than six months ago and am eager to hear about the next steps.

All my documentation is complete, and I am fully prepared to start working. I would greatly appreciate any information or guidance you can provide.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

[Your Full Name]
[Your ID] [Your Position]

Contoh Email 5

Subject: Application Update Request – [Cruise Ship ID Employment]

Good Day,

I am writing to inquire about the status of my application for employment on your cruise ship. It has been over six months since I submitted all the required documents, and I am eager to proceed.

With all my paperwork complete, I am ready to start working as soon as possible. I would greatly appreciate any updates or instructions regarding the next steps.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Full Name]
[Your ID] [Your Position]

Itulah beberapa contoh template email untuk keperluan request LOE atau Letter of employee di kapal pesiar yang sangat ampuh dan direspon sangat cepat oleh scheduler kapal pesiar seperti Royal Caribbean, Celebrity X Cruise, Carnival, dll. Silahkan di rubah dan disesuaikan sebelum mengirim email ke scheduler agar sesuai dengan data diri dan keperluan.

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